Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Needles are in & it's easy to be green!

I know a lot of ya’ll have been waiting for our needles to come back in. Our needles are now fully restocked and ready to be adopted. We will try our darnedest to keep up with demand now that we have had a chance to settle into the new digs.

We now have a bag discount! Bring in your own bag, mention it when you check out (cause sometimes we forget to ask), & receive a $.10 bag discount for helping to make our home a greener & cleaner place by reducing & reusing. WOOT!!

Have a great holiday!

Tentitive Hours for Winter Weather

We will be closing early this Wed, 12.23, at 7pm in anticipation of Winter Weather.

We will be closing early on the 24th at 2pm.

We will be OPEN our regular hours the day after Xmas, New Years Eve & day.

Please stay safe out there & have a great Holiday!!