Rexie knit Rebecca Koskic Mountain Air caplet that had an sir of Celtic in it. So she added a Celtic Knot button to the front to polish it off. The pattern is available in store or online from our website for $5.00 (plus shipping for online orders).
We have two Magic Loops Sock classes (toe-up or cuff-down) ready to go for Saturday Feb 9th and Saturday Feb 16 1-3 pm. Limit 4 per calss, two spots are left for each. Call or visit today to sign up, $25 / 2 Hrs.
Mention how you heard of us to get valuable discounts at the checkout!
Come in and knit or crochet with others of like mind!
Take Note: Our group times and days have changed!
Knitch Nite every 3rd Friday 4-6 (This is a potluck event. Please bring a dish to pass) Spinning Demo's every 1st Saturday 12-2
Crochet Guild every 1st Saturday 2-4 Crochet-Me-One, every 2nd Saturday 10-12 Sock'r Time, every 3rd Saturday 10-12 Knittin-4-Charity, every 3rd Saturday 1-2 Knit-in every, 4th Saturday 10-12
Check our store website for current class offerings. We are the originators of CLASSES ON DEMAND, when the student is ready, a teacher is able and willing. Just call or stop in! (Cash, Check or Visa/Mastercard)