Hello there!! Brrrrr……What comes to mind during the cool days of November: Thanksgiving turkey & pie – probably; Holiday shopping – maybe; scarves? Of course! That’s because it’s Scarf Month here at Off The Beaten Path Yarnhouse; scarves & so much more. In fact, we can help you out with holiday shopping & pie, too! Pie?

Read about our Day After Thanksgiving (Black Friday) activities, including Gale’s Wet/Needle Felting Demonstrations, BBQ Knit Nite, new yarns & scarves, scarves, scarves!
New Yarn!

The latest shipment from Universal has arrived! Stop in and check out the new Fibranatura Cobblestone 100% superwash merino in nine fantastic colorways. The popular Deluxe Worsted Long Prints are re-stocked, too!
Day After Thanksgiving Fun and Specials
Scarves, Scarves and More Scarves
The Farmer’s Almanac is predicting even more snow than last year! We recommend that everyone in your family have at least one hand-knit scarf to help them keep the wind and cold out. It’s a lucky thing that November is Scarf Month at Off the Beaten Path Yarnhouse. Check out our blog at knitmeone.com for our Scarf-A-Day patterns and yarns.
We have lots of warm yarn in beautiful colors to help stave off the winter doldrums! Check out our re-stocked Long Prints, and Fibranatura’s new 100% superwash merino Cobblestone. Many, many patterns, too!
Scarf-Themed BBQ Knit Nite Friday, November 14th
For a $10 drop-in fee, you’ll enjoy two hours of instruction & help on your choice of scarves (Regular price: $25/2-hr). We will break between 5 & 5:30 to enjoy a potluck dinner featuring BBQ Beef & Gary’s delicious grilled food. Bring a dish if you wish. Save room for Kathy and her mom’s pumpkin & apple pies. Oh Yeah! Yummm...
When Being A Knitting Goddess Is Just Not Enough
Lots of Knitting Goddesses come into the shop, but some knitters just want to be more. They want to be MASTER KNITTERS. Off The Beaten Path is starting a Master Knitters Group in January for knitters who are tackling the Knitter’s Guild of America Master Hand-Knitting Program.
According to the Guild, The TKGA Master Knitting Program© is a non-competitive and rewarding achievement program for advanced knitters. Program completion culminates in the presentation of the coveted TKGA Master Knitter title and pin. In addition to knitting samples and garments from written instructions, you will prepare a notebook of research and answers to questions. Written instructions from the Guild provide details (you must join the national Guild, and enroll in the program).
The group will meet every other week to work on swatches and help each other. Once a month Master Knitter Kathy Digman will be there to review swatches and give advice. Please call us at 608-221-0219 or email Karen at knitmeone.com if you are interested. Times and dates TBD.
Happy Thanksgiving!
At Off The Beaten Path Yarnhouse we are thankful for all of our wonderful customers who brighten our days, excite us with their enthusiasm for knitting, and share their lives with us.
We will be closed for Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from Karen, Rexie, Rachel, Gale, Kathy and Jesi!
Coming in December…
Last-minute Holiday gifts!
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